We would like to express our appreciation for all who have provided helpful comments and suggestions. The reviewers of the prior editions helped make it a successful product. Many valuable comments from instructors and students have helped us make significant improvements in the text. We would particularly like to thank the following reviewers, who provided in-depth reviews
Sebagai lembaga yang menggunakan APBN dalam pelaksanaan kegiatannya, KPPU merupakan pihak yang melaksanakan pemotongan dan pemungutan pajak atas pengeluaran yang berasal dari APBN. Untuk menginformasikan pelaksanaan pajak di KPPU maka disusun “Buku Saku Penatausahaan Pajak” sebagai pedoman penatausahaan pajak di KPPU. Dengan adanya buku saku ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi K…
When Mike Hoffman and Bob Frederick fi rst suggested a book on accounting ethics the names of all the people more qualifi ed came to mind. However, what better challenge for a business ethicist than to tackle the fi eld his wife dealt with in her day to day work, and who better to work with than an accountant with integrity who has no time for cutting corners. Against the advice of those who co…