"Buku ini berisi tentang definisi, kegunaan dan bidang akuntansi, persamaan dasar akuntansi dan laporan keuangan, siklus akuntansi perusahaan jasa, jurnal penyesuaian, akuntansi perusahaan dagang dan jurnal khusus. Harapan kami setelah membaca buku ini,mahasiswa akan memahami mata kuliah Pengantar Akuntansi I dan dapat dengan mudah menerapkan ilmu ini dalam dunia nyata."
I would like to thank Syncfusion for providing me the opportunity to write this book, Grégory Godin for taking the time to read and review it, and James McCaffrey for his in-depth technical review.
Many people helped us during the course of the fifth edition. We would especially like to thank Emmanuel Agu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Yoris Au (University of Texas at Antonio), Nikhil Bhargava (Aircom International, Inc.), Michael Buettner (University of Washington), John Day (Boston University), Kevin Fall (Intel Labs), Ronald Fulle (Rochester Institute of Technology), Ben Greenstein…
This book grew out of a concern, on both our parts, with how people understand their language and their experience. When we first met, in early January 1979, we found that we shared, also, a sense that the dominant views on meaning in Western philosophy and linguistics are inadequate-that "meaning" in these traditions has very little to do with what people find meaningful in their lives. We we…
PostgreSQL is the world's most advanced open-source database. PostgreSQL is the most comprehensive, in-depth, and easy-to-read guide to this award-winning database. This book starts with a thorough overview of SQL, a description of all PostgreSQL data types, and a complete explanation of PostgreSQL commands.
Using Ajax, you can build Web applications with the sophistication and usability of traditional desktop applications and you can do it using standards and open source software. Now, for the first time, there's an easy, example-driven guide to Ajax for every Web and open source developer, regardless of experience.
An in-depth examination of the core concepts and general principles of Web application development. This book uses examples from specific technologies (e.g., servlet API or XSL), without promoting or endorsing particular platforms or APIs. Such knowledge is critical when designing and debugging complex systems. This conceptual understanding makes it easier to learn new APIs that arise in the r…