Many people helped us during the course of the fifth edition. We would especially like to thank Emmanuel Agu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Yoris Au (University of Texas at Antonio), Nikhil Bhargava (Aircom International, Inc.), Michael Buettner (University of Washington), John Day (Boston University), Kevin Fall (Intel Labs), Ronald Fulle (Rochester Institute of Technology), Ben Greenstein (Intel Labs), Daniel Halperin (University of Washington), Bob Kinicki (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington), Sarvish Kulkarni (Villanova University), Hank Levy (University of Washington), Ratul Mahajan (Microsoft Research), Craig Partridge (BBN), Michael Piatek (University of Washington), Joshua Smith (Intel Labs), Neil Spring (University of Maryland), David Teneyuca (University of Texas at Antonio), Tammy VanDegrift (University of Portland), and Bo Yuan (Rochester Institute of Technology), for providing ideas and feedback. Melody Kadenko and Julie Svendsen provided administrative support to David
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